Right, what I forgot to mention - when talking about how good I was going to be by not having coffee with cream and sugar today - was that I started off the day eating the last creme brule and a couple of home made chocolates. Oops.
This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...
Right, what I forgot to mention - when talking about how good I was going to be by not having coffee with cream and sugar today - was that I started off the day eating the last creme brule and a couple of home made chocolates. Oops.
Okay, so I hit "publish" and the tickets were dropped right onto my desk.
I'm trying something new today - instead of starting off the day with a coffee with cream and sugar, I'm trying a green tea. We'll see how this goes.
I am going nuts with this great beautiful weather.
I am having one of those crazy days. Bi-Polar Days, if you want to be specific about it. I feel this is in order:
I'll save you all the trouble. "Geek! Geek! GEEEEEK!"
I can't get over how green LA looks right now. The hills I can see outside my office look like they were transplanted from - well, some green place. I would say Ireland but I haven't been there. I guess this would be the upshot of all the rain.
JB and I are using Netflix to get "caught up" with a TV show. This is something I never would have thought would ever catch on. I mean, entire seasons of TV on DVD. BUT I LOVE THEM. I own every season of Buffy. I own the tragically short-lived Firefly. We're Netflixing Alias Season 3 in order to bridge the gap between the Season 2 my sister loaned us and the Season 4 our Tivo has been diligently recording for lo these many weeks.
So today I CAN see giant rain clouds out my window, but I feel much much better. I don't know if the better mood started with the coffee yesterday afternoon, or the realization that I should shut up with the whining because basically my life is good, or the fact that I got halfway through a rewrite for the outline I'm supposed to be sending the manager who hasn't signed me and shows no indication of wanting to do so.
This would be one of those days when I would generally refrain from posting because I'm in a bleak mood. But I'm trying this whole "post-a-day" craziness so let me think of something to say.
Okay, seriously, I had some pie about 5 minutes ago and it feels like someone is filling my head up with helium. When did I get so freakishly sensitive to sugar? Or is it the second cup of coffee? Or the combination?
I'm so happy for my sister! She has had a uber-empowering week. After a long time of feeling unappreciated at her job, she fought for a promotion, was denied, and then turned around a resigned. As soon as they heard she had resigned, 2 other departments at her office called her with job offers - but she's taking the offer (right?) of a different company. I love these little living-vicariously through one's sibling moments. Contented sigh.
Corporate drinks tonight. This would not be the Long-Island-Iced-Tea kind of thing. More like a Single-Glass-Of-Wine-And-Drink-It-Slowly deal. It's weird getting drunk in front of your boss.
We keep passing Girl Scout Cookie Tables everywhere. Samoas and Thin Mints. Mmmm. Samoas and Thin Mints are particularly good frozen. I tried to buy a year's worth of cookies, but we have this whole mortgage thing now... GS cookies are not cheap. But they sure are tasty.
I decided to change up the Blog look - and just lost all my comments. Will investigate getting those back. In the meantime, I'll be trying out the new "improved" Blogger comments.
JB and I just got a new dentist. We've been going to our New Mexico dentists for the past 7 years. This wasn't a problem when we'd go back at Christmas and in the summer. It became more of a problem when we started going back just at Christmas. And it became something of a small emergency when we thought we weren't going to make it back this year at all. I don't know if our "not getting a Californian dentist" was laziness on our part. I don't know if it was a feeble resistance to the idea that we're living in LA. But we've got one now. Add that to the new digs, and I think we're staying for a while.
Some girls can pull off bangs. Okay - I've officially had them for almost a month, and I don't think I'm one of those girls. I thought at first I was just being hypercritical and that they'd grow on me. Nope. Well, I HOPE they grow on me. Grow out on me. Grow out until they can no longer be classified as "bangs."
I yanked my previous post. Thank you for the comments, though.