This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

25 Minute Run

Just got back from Michigan on Monday. Though I took my running shoes I didn't feel the need to USE them. :) It was a great trip, and I had a great time. So green out there! The run today was rough towards the end. My hip has been giving me some trouble and it's aching a little now though it didn't hurt during the run. JB "helped" me by icing it last time. PAIN. I'm afraid to bring it up, but I guess I just did so there's that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a hard time with hip pain on my longer runs so I did what the training book I used suggested and took 2 Advil before my run. But those were for the 10 miles and up runs. Also, I never felt like icing my knees afterwards worked, but I might be in the minority on hating the icing.

4:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This technology cool! It makes me want to start running... WAIT! Did you hear that? Hell just froze over.

3:20 PM

Blogger JQ said...

T - Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll try that (I think I have to run today... it's been 4 days now.)

DA - tee hee... anytime you want to join me... It is kind of cool. Love technology. :)

8:59 AM


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