Serenity Anticipation Fest
For those of you who might be interested... the trailer is here:
Serenity: The Official Movie Website
This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...
For those of you who might be interested... the trailer is here:
JB and I spent the weekend in San Diego at a Kung Fu competition where my Kick Ass Sista... well, kicked some ass.
After being burned by Episode I, by which I mean JB and I got tickets for the 2:00 AM show on opening night at Mann's Chinese Theatre (or is it back to Gromann's now?), JB and I will be attending the much more reasonable showtime of 8:00 tonight for Episode III. I know it's not opening night, not really, since it screened starting at mid-night last night. Right? Also, we had the hook-up and did not actually have to battle for tickets ourselves.
Luna was very sweet this morning. She came and sat on my legs as I wrote, then curled up next to me and fell deeply asleep. She's so pretty. Sometimes she looks like a lion with her big paws ready to kill something, and sometimes she looks like a little piece of fluff all curled up in a ball.
I waited so long for daylight savings to come so I would have a few hours of sunlight after work. Now it's daylight savings, and I work the night shift. But I guess I get lots of morning sunlight, so it all evens out in the wash.
Do you ever have those moments where you think, "this (object, experience, etc...) will make my life so much (easier, more fulfilling, ect...) I must get it."
I have a new shift at work. I go in at 1:00 PM and work until (unless someone lights the building on fire and I have to go find the extinguisher...(that's a metaphorical "fire", dad, and yes a security guy walks me to my car after my shift)) 10:00 PM. Can I just say: THIS IS THE GREATEST SHIFT EVER. Why-o-why does it have to end?