This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode III

After being burned by Episode I, by which I mean JB and I got tickets for the 2:00 AM show on opening night at Mann's Chinese Theatre (or is it back to Gromann's now?), JB and I will be attending the much more reasonable showtime of 8:00 tonight for Episode III. I know it's not opening night, not really, since it screened starting at mid-night last night. Right? Also, we had the hook-up and did not actually have to battle for tickets ourselves.

The only thing I wish: I wish I hadn't heard any good reviews. Because I want to expect the same quality of movie as Episode I and Episode II and then be blown away if it's even a LITTLE BIT better. But now I have this tiny little buried hope that I keep trying to dig out and expose to the withering sunlight of reason that this movie is going to rival the first trilogy.

I just don't know if I can handle that kind of disappointment again.


Blogger Moose Tucker said...


9:36 AM

Blogger JQ said...

Have you seen it?

9:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to describe this movie is using quotes from the earlier triliogy:

"Now, his failure is complete." - Darth Vader

"What a piece of junk!" - Luke Skywalker.

9:50 AM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

I have not.

12:59 PM

Blogger JQ said...

Okay, okay. Actually, I liked it the best of Episodes I, II, and III. I will admit, I went into the film with very low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised.

Ron - funny. And not wrong. But I think I still have a soft spot and George got me once or twice. I thought there were actually some moments of decent acting.

1:55 PM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Okay, I didn't even bother with Episode II, and SPF wants to go and see Episode III, but I still don't think I want to go. This is not glowing praise...and it would need SUNBURN bright praise for me to be even a little interested.

2:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

JQ, I agree that this is way better than episode one, and almost certainly better than episode 2.

And I think it does have about 20 good minutes. And, unlike the last two films, there are actually interesting ideas in this film - albiet ideas executed so poorly they're more frustrating than interesting. But "good ideas, excretably executed" is a big step up from episodes 1 and 2.

5:01 PM

Blogger JQ said...

It's so true... JB and I spent the ENTIRE RIDE home brainstorming how a few simple plot changes could have opened up WORLDS of posibilities within this new trilogy. SO VERY FRUSTRATING. I'm so lame, but I would love to see the trilogy JB and I developed in that 30 min car ride home...

5:48 PM


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