This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Monday, May 16, 2005

Dinner Break

I waited so long for daylight savings to come so I would have a few hours of sunlight after work. Now it's daylight savings, and I work the night shift. But I guess I get lots of morning sunlight, so it all evens out in the wash.

Which isn't to say I don't see any daylight during the day, but when it's "on the clock" daylight it somehow doesn't count.

I used to have this job where I had everything in the office so organized (and I should point out here that when I was hired I was replacing TWO PEOPLE) that I would work from 9:00 AM to about 11:00 AM or - on a really busy day - noon. Then I would write at my desk for the rest of the day. I wrote my first 4 screenplays this way. Then I went to USC, studied for 3 years, graduated, and now I have another day job that pays slightly more but offers no during-the-day time to write.

I'm on my "lunch" break, only it's 9:00 PM so it really feels like dinner.


Blogger wamez said...

"pays slightly more" in JQ-language means "pays over twice as much plus I get benefits and I have a managerial position".

Could be worse.

9:41 PM

Blogger JQ said...


9:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Plus, currently, you are able to work the late shift so you can focus on writing in the morning. I think you've got a pretty good deal here.

6:30 AM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Nah, I hear you. Only pays slightly more and you have to work all the time, and you don't get to write at work. I understand your lingo. I have the same lingo.

11:27 AM


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