This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sweet Kitty

Luna was very sweet this morning. She came and sat on my legs as I wrote, then curled up next to me and fell deeply asleep. She's so pretty. Sometimes she looks like a lion with her big paws ready to kill something, and sometimes she looks like a little piece of fluff all curled up in a ball.


Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Ahhhhh, sweet kitty.

Every once in a while, my sweet kitty sleeps on my pillow all night. On occassion, he has even slept in the crook of my arm for hours at a time, belly up and arms sprawled.

Then again, he did pee on your coat (which is clean now and I have.) :)

5:14 PM

Blogger JQ said...

Yipee! So the german coat-cleaners were successful? Thank you greatly!

2:08 PM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Yes. Wonderful Germans. Wonderful, leather proficient, Germans.

5:23 PM


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