I just want to remind those of you who might have forgotten that Serenity opens this weekend in a theater near you!
This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...
I just want to remind those of you who might have forgotten that Serenity opens this weekend in a theater near you!
I think when I was a kid "making the bed" had something to do with getting my allowance, so I think for the most part I tried to keep it together most days. Then college happened, and who has time to make the bed between classes, studying, lithography studio time, theater rehearsals, and the occasional party? And then I moved in with a guy who in most respects is pretty neat... in some respects is pretty neat, so it sort of got deprioritized.
"I want to be more intellectual. You read history and symbolic logic. All I do is sit around and eat smores."
I can't believe it's been 9 months since we moved into our place.
If you haven't been visiting, you should check out my sister's blog - she's documenting her travels through China.
Technically I guess I'm supposed to be at a film festival that day, but come on. JB? SPF? Little Q, you are in China so I suspect not... Louie? T$?
There was a time when I thought I was going to be a physicist. This was a firm belief I held up until my first semester in college when I realized that in order to major (and, let's be honest, SUCCEED) in Physics, I would be forced to deal with Chemistry. Which I believed I hated. I believed this - I suspect - in part because of Mr. P, my high school chemistry teacher who hated teenagers, had a predictably short fuse, and liked to bean students with erasers, chalk, white board markers, and other small objects that were near to hand when the occasion warranted. I had never had a teacher who threw things at students before, but we must have had him at the height of his I'll-throw-things-at-my-students-when-I-damn-well-please phase because my semester with him was his last semester at our school. Ah, Mr. P.
I got a new skirt this past weekend. This is news because basically I only buy clothes for myself when I get gift cards as... gifts. Anyhow, wearing it at work, in our glassy freezer of a building, is only possible due to the small, portable heater tucked under my desk. But it's kind of nice to wear a skirty-skirt every once in a while and feel like a girly-girl.
I just remembered this from oh, let's say roughly 2 decades ago back in ABQ:
So I "finished" (I am starting to laugh whenever I even think about that word) the vampire script this morning. It was only a 2 1/2 hour rewrite, focusing on one small section, adding a line or two in two or three places, and tweaking the very last scene. I could be being optimistic, but the end seems to resonate a little more for me now.
I love the seasonal change from summer to fall. It feels like a new beginning. Yes, I know, I don't get summer vacations anymore, but I always reach the fall feeling ready to get started on something NEW. In that light, I'm getting ready to start a new project. It's not a creative writing project. It is something I've been thinking about trying for a long time now. I've got to polish up 2 scripts, hopefully both will be finished by this weekend, and then I am rededicating myself to doing something new for a while. Planning to let the "writer" rest for a moment, hopefully while my attention is turned elsewhere, more ideas will bubble around in the back of my head.
We were in New Mexico this weekend for a friend's wedding, and their hotel was across from the convention center. While we were there, the convention center was being prepared for some victims of the hurricane. I think they said as many as 5,000 may be temporarily housed in New Mexico. When JB and I donate money to help in times like these, it feels like the smallest possible thing we can do, and yet I don't know how else to help. I am still just stunned and horrified by the destruction, and my heart goes out to everyone touched by this tragedy.