Physics and... Chemistry
There was a time when I thought I was going to be a physicist. This was a firm belief I held up until my first semester in college when I realized that in order to major (and, let's be honest, SUCCEED) in Physics, I would be forced to deal with Chemistry. Which I believed I hated. I believed this - I suspect - in part because of Mr. P, my high school chemistry teacher who hated teenagers, had a predictably short fuse, and liked to bean students with erasers, chalk, white board markers, and other small objects that were near to hand when the occasion warranted. I had never had a teacher who threw things at students before, but we must have had him at the height of his I'll-throw-things-at-my-students-when-I-damn-well-please phase because my semester with him was his last semester at our school. Ah, Mr. P.
Anyhow, I've decided as of this moment forward, I will give Chemistry another shot. I'll pretend Chemistry and I were set up by a mutual friend long ago and it was the blind date from hell. Chemistry and I totally got off on the wrong foot, but we're ready to try it again, because people keep telling us we'd really be good together. There was too much pressure last time. This time we're just going to take it easy, maybe get together a few times in a coffee shop, see if we hit it off.
I'm confused. Why would you need to be studying chemistry again?
3:52 PM
Personal edification.
(Also, I think Chemistry might object to the term "studying" as - I believed I mentioned - this is not that serious. I mean, once you admit to "studying" it invariably leads to "acquiring a few more chemistry text books," possible "community college classes," and in the most extreme cases "returning to school for an advanced degree" which I am just not ready to commit to at the present. We'll see how coffee goes first.)
4:08 PM
I hated math through high school - I swear I have dyscalcula. In any event, I tried changing my perspective in college and really made an effort at math. It was a no-go. I tried, I passed (barely) but that's all I was able to do.
However, I have faith that you will acheive whatever it is you set your mind to - especially when you don't have someone throwing things at you. You go girl! Maybe I'll pick up my astronomy books again, just for personal edification. :D
6:41 AM
!!!!!!!!!Science - Schm-ience!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading this your post, I can confirm that you took the correct career path. That was superbly written and fun to read. Having said that, I know what I'm getting JQ for Christmas!!!!! (read: chemistry set)
8:13 AM
J - I know how you feel, but I must admit that Chemistry is the only thing that I have ever tried that beat me. I stuck it out (a requirement at Purdue for two semesters) and I got C's in both, an occurrence that had never happened before and has not happened since. I did try. I had no preconcieved notions. I had a wonderful Chemistry teacher at the same aforementioned high school. Still, it bested me, and I will never, never trust it again.
1:06 PM
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