This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Over The Weekend

We were in New Mexico this weekend for a friend's wedding, and their hotel was across from the convention center. While we were there, the convention center was being prepared for some victims of the hurricane. I think they said as many as 5,000 may be temporarily housed in New Mexico. When JB and I donate money to help in times like these, it feels like the smallest possible thing we can do, and yet I don't know how else to help. I am still just stunned and horrified by the destruction, and my heart goes out to everyone touched by this tragedy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. After 9/11 I spent hundreds of dollars buying sheets and toiletries for local homeless shelters and donated money to every society, cause, and fund that asked. Yet still I had a crisis of conscience that I wasn't contributing enough to society. I feel so helpless in circumstances like this. I felt the same way after the Tsunami, and the same now. Sometimes, I think, the only thing we can do is help one life, one person. That is the only thing that has ever made me feel like a positive contributor, and that is truthfully a huge contribution. But I would also say that every penny helps, and contributing what you have already contributed is a wonderful gift. The fact that you want to contribute more demonstrates the greatness of your humanity.

4:38 PM


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