This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I'm Sorry. I Thought You Were Some Kind Of Computer Program.

Dear Enigma America,

You invited me to "Submit your blog to and get your opinion seen or discuss issues in our blogosphere forum.".

And I callously replied "I do not believe you truly care, enigma america. I think you are playing with my affections. I will not fall for your vanity-stroking ways. Blog crawl along, enigma america. My issues are not for discussing."

I honestly believed you were a web-crawling program sent out to drop obscure invitations on a wide variety of blogs.

I had no idea you were a person. I think part of my confusion came from my investigation of which was - and still is - a page that reads ""BlogTemps.Com is currently experiencing a server failure due to unknown reasons. Please check back later. Thank you, BlogTemps Staff". Part of my confusion came from clicking on your name, enigma america, and finding a list of 3 blogs, the first two of which had no entries. I apologize for not checking the 3rd blog. At that point, I just felt duped. A little like the kid who looks down when her "fun" uncle says "shoe's untied!" and then when she looks down he bops her in the nose.

Hence the sarcastic refusal of your invitation.

Imagine my surprise and chagrin when I received your last comment "I don't give a damn. You bloggers are a little testy, huh?"

Either, I realized with a jolt, enigma america is an actual flesh-and-blood person who I have inadvertently offended, or a REALLY sophisticated web-crawling, invitation-dropping program. In either event, I feel an apology is in order.

I'm sorry. Human being or sophisticated program, I want this blog to be a warm and friendly place, a place where all sorts of people - sorry! - where all sorts of entities are welcome to come and post comments.

If it makes you feel better, I seriously fretted about this all morning. All I can say is: oops.

Have a nice day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely said.

I hope you don't really feel bad.


10:35 AM

Blogger JQ said...

Actually... I'm a lam-o.

11:44 AM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Please clarify, why are you a lame-o?

2:43 PM

Blogger JQ said...

Because I do feel bad. AND I can't even spell Lame-O.

3:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A truly professional company/person would not have responded to your e-mail the way they did. Do not feel bad.

And since lame-o isn't really a word (as far as I know), then you can't really misspell it, can you?

I think I'll start a business. Inner demons soothed cheap!


7:24 AM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

I didn't mean to imply that you had spelled lame-o wrong...I read it, I understood it, and then I replied...and created my own version of the word. :)

Thanks for the talk last night. Sorry to be such a downer.

8:57 AM

Blogger JQ said...

You are not a downer. (This should be read like Arnold's "it's not a tumor.")

I'm sorry if I talked too much.

9:40 AM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Nah, you have good info, and more experience than me in life, so I take everything you say to heart. It is easier said than done, though, and that is what I am working on now.

11:13 AM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

By the by, why are there no more comments on wamez' page? I want to comment!! Did we upset him? Was it something I said?

11:25 AM

Blogger JQ said...

There should be comments - I just left a comment not 10 minutes ago!

11:42 AM


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