This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

It's Late And I Want To Go Home

Still at work. Tired. Grumpy. Headache growing in magnitude. Very weary. Impatient. Shoulder blades ache.

I wish it could be
time to go home already.
Damn, it's getting late.

Why did I decide
to do yoga this morning?
Now my body hurts.

How I pass the time:
writing really bad haiku
and watching the clock.

Does haiku have to
be about nature to be
real haiku? Nah, dude.

I'm sure I offend
haiku purists who must see
what I do as wrong.

I can count to five,
then I can count to seven,
and then five again.

What would you do if
you could become anyone
in the universe?

I think I would be
independently wealthy
and write all day long.

I could keep this up
all night if necessary.
Just want to go home.

I am actually
waiting for this thing at work.
When it's done, I'll go.

Why, computer, why?!
I was almost out of here,
then you had to crash!!!

Now Computer makes
aggrivating whirs and beeps.
It's driving me mad.

So it happened twice.
I think I found a bad read.
I got you, sucka!

Okay, time to go.
I will have to spare you from
more "brilliant" haiku.


Blogger Moose Tucker said...

This haiku was great.
I'm glad you left soon after,
before going mad.

8:53 AM

Blogger JQ said...

Ha! You make me laugh.
It's one way to pass the time:
I'd rather be home.

5:49 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I like your poem. Take a look that mine

6:46 PM

Blogger Roman said...

"I can count to five,
then I can count to seven,
and then five again."

If one were to ask,
I'd say this haiky is best,
Because it is true.

6:50 PM

Blogger JQ said...

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8:39 PM

Blogger JQ said...

There are quite a few poets out there! Thanks for dropping by.

8:43 PM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Went to some of the other poetry blog sites. Some good stuff. Also, some not so good stuff, but I guess that makes the good stuff easier to see.

12:28 PM


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