This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Down Day

I don't know why, I'm having a bit of a down day. Being at work sometimes makes me feel like clawing my way out of my skin. Work for money. Money for food and shelter. One day after another after another, no more summer vacations ever. Nothing but a long unending road of clocking in, clocking out, paycheck, paying rent, doing laundry, cooking meals, doing dishes. Fighting for two minutes to do something I want to do, to feel like potential still means something. Terrified I'm going to wake up one day, an old woman, tired and used up and filled with regrets for opportunities I never took, lives I never lead.

So that's my day. How are you?


Blogger Tamara said...

"Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays!"

Sorry, I totally know how you feel. Especially when one's boss gives you two weeks notice about a week off, that you won't get paid for, and that you have to take.

I hope your Tuesday is better.

8:48 AM

Blogger Moose Tucker said...

I was thinking of taking Helicopter Pilot lessons and switching careers. And this after a four day weekend. I get where you are, as well.

9:16 AM

Blogger JQ said...

Yeouch, T$, that sucks! And M, that's exotic... when I day dream I think of getting enough money together to buy a totally falling down house, live in it and renovate it and sell it for a lot of money and buy another one. Or possibly rent it out. Then, eventually, become independentaly wealthy and actually WRITE "for a living". :) Thanks, ladies.

1:50 PM

Blogger Norman said...

Well, yeah. Sometimes you gotta just do the nose to the grindstone thing and hug it out. But other times, that voice inside you telling you to Get The Hell Out... well, you should listen to it.

Of course, it's no great revelation to say that it's damned near impossible to tell the difference at first.

After years of editing, I decided that I only wanted to work with PEOPLE who I wanted to work with. It took a while to get to there, but I was waaaaaay happier after that.

11:02 AM

Blogger JQ said...

Yeah. Why am I not making movies? I have a script I really like that I think would make a great feature film. So... I'm really out of excuses. Hm. Time to shift gears...

11:14 AM


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