This would be that "career" thing I've heard so much about...

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


I have to say, I love coffee. I especially love it if it's the first thing I consume over the course of the day, and that love is most intense anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour or so after drinking it. I love fresh, uber-dense coffee (with cream if I can get it!) in the mornings when I need to face my desk-in-the-corner-of-a-dark-office job. I love caramel machiattos in the evenings, when I need an after-work-before-losing-consciousness-writing boost. I love espressos in the afternoons. Who needs a reason for those?!

I don't think our coffee machine is going to make the transition over to Evil Corporation.

Did I mention that I hate Evil Corporation? This is a Wolfram and Hart kind of Corporation. Squash the (as my grandpa would say) "little guy" to make a buck, it's fine by E.C. The "little guy" a member of the staff? Even better!

I'm going to get a coffee.

Is there such a thing as too much coffee? Only time will tell. Oh, and my Acid Reflux. It's pretty vocal about too much coffee.


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